

Stories of Courage – A Comic-Workshop / Kiezanker e.V., Berlin / Co-Facilitation: Joanna Mitchell

What gives you strength? When do you feel courageous? No matter whether your stories are fantastic or slice of life – together we use a creative visual language to put them onto paper! In two days, we exchange ideas, develop our own characters, experiment with different drawing exercises – and thereby make our own comics! You don’t need any prior knowledge in drawing to participate, the only requirement is having fun while working creatively and bringing a big portion of curiosity. / Flyer-Illustration: Joanna Mitchell

Length: 2 x 4 hours/ Audience: children & youth aged 9 and above

Crafting Relations of Resistance – A Zine-Workshop / Feminist Autonomous Research Center, Athen / Co-Facilitation: Ricarda Theobald

How can we start into the new year with new and renewed strength to resist together and build the societies and worlds we want? How can we maintain and nurture strong relations despite and against the backlash of the right that we are experiencing in so many parts of the world, and other omnipresent forces that pull us apart? How can we stand together and bring our differences into our collective struggle? In the first part we want to get inspired by poetry, comics, short texts, and get into conversation with each other over our own stories and sharings. In the second part each of us is invited to create a zine on relations of resistance to take home as a reminder that can serve as a source of strength and inspiration for our resistance!

Length: 4 hours / Audience: Adults

SDG-Comics / Fast-Forward-Future-Schüler:innen Kongress, Hamburg

The workshop SDG1 Comics creates space for high school students to engage with the demands that have been formulated at the Fast-Forward-Future! Congress . By creating their own comics, students will be invited to dive deeper into the meaning of their demands, and draw connections to their own lives. The finished comics will be exhibited and made available to the public as part of the action week.

Length: 2,5 Days/ Audience: high school students (age 13-18 )

Drawing Comics for Adults / Kotti Kompass, Berlin

What makes a comic? How do I create my own characters and tell my own story? And what are panels? This workshop introduces participants to making comics through fun and practical drawing exercises. You don’t need any prior experience in drawing to participate.

Length: 6 Appointments, 2,5 hours each / Audience: Adults

  1. Sustainable Development Goals ↩︎