Zines (from eng. Maga – zine) are a great way to convey information, express oneself, and approach a new topic. Before comics found me these small DIY booklets used to be one of my favourite forms to condense my thoughts. Here is a small selection of some of my more recent zines:
Unser Lern- und Forschungsraum
In summer 2022 I offered the undergraduate class EthnoGRAPHIC Considerations at the Institute for European Ethnology in Berlin. We used this zine in the first session to talk about an anti-discriminatory learning space.
Digital Care Series
This series conveys some basic skills in the area of digital security. So far, I have self-published the three titles Titel Digital Care Manifesto, Here’s How to Use a VPN and Making Safe Passwords.
What if…
…is a zine inspired by bell hooks. It invites readers to create learning spaces that open up radical possibilities.